Monday, August 24, 2009

Well today was a big day for my little girl. Her first day of big girl school. She was so excited. I on the other hand.. well i am happy but I am sad too. Everyday all day!! ok so there have been those days that I couldnt wait for this but now, now I am thinking that time just goes too fast!!
I know that she will do great and loves her teacher and has already made friends. So is so cute and sweet that it is hard to think of her spending more hours in the day with someone else then with me. That teacher better know how special she is that I am trusting her with my girl!!
This was Aysha's first lunch time. Ok so who has the seperation anxiety I was there at drop off and lunch and ..... Well by the looks of these
pictures it is not Aysha. She was having a wonderful day.

I am not sure but I think Atif thought

he was going too. He wanted to be right in the middle of all the kids. This is Grace

a friend of Aysha.

This is Aysha's locker. When she saw that they have mirror magnets while we were

supply shopping she was convinced she had to have one. I am not sure but I think

Kindergarten is to young for that. Notice her sunglasses in the picture on her locker.

These are before we left for school

This was the day of the Kindergarten picnic. Aysha was so excited to practice playing on her new play ground!

I Just thought they looked TOO cute!!