We had a great day at the lake with some of our good friends. Poor Atif just kinda rolled around the boat in his life jacket. It didn't help that I had to attach a leash to make sure he didn't jump out of the boat. But I know that we all had fun!!

Just having some good ol outdoor fun play time. What could be better then a sprinkler and popcicles!

I can't believe my baby girl is finished with preschool. Where does the time go? I know that this summer we will have tons of fun since she will be in big girl school! I just don't understand how the days pass so fast. It seems like yesterday that she was going off to Primer school. Which by the way she absolutly loves her preschool. I have heard her say everyday how much she misses her teacher and friends. We had a great open house and end of the year picnic. And so now school is out so we are ready for some summer time fun!!