When life seems to pass so fast and the days are so hectic all I have to do is look at my pretty babies and realize that life is so beautiful!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Atif Loves to swing at the park. He cant sit up yet so I carry a pillow to prop him up and I think he is so comfortable he could swing for hours.
Amir is my best friend, I am so so thankful everyday for him. I have so much fun watching him play dolls, dress up and dancing with Aysha. There is no greater joy than to hear him make Aysha laugh. Which he does so well!!! When he is not at home our house feels empty and like we are just passing the hours until he comes home so we can all have some fun!! Thank God he has lots of energy!!!
This was the start of Aysha's birthday! She was so excited to see the mail man brought her a box from Grandpa! She could hardly make into the house before opening the box!
Friday was Aysha's Actual 4th birthday and we celebrated at home with Sami and his family. Aysha loves playing with Lexie and Tory. She had so much fun.
Hanging out with the kids is a great part of my day. There is never a dull minute and on days that I just need a few extra minutes i have found that Atif likes watching cartoons!! How funny is that!
Aysha loved opening all her gifts at her party it was so fun to watch her and her friends get excited over the toys.
Aysha was so excited for her birthday cake and all she kept saying is that she wanted me to make it. It really was a lot of fun. I fretted over this for 2 weeks and made so many practice cakes that i was taking them to her school and giving them away. So with the help of my friend Nicole we made the perfect cake. Hey it only took 4 hours. Yep I know that could never be a side business for us, but the things we do for our kids just to see that look of amazement and how proud she was of her cake. She was so happy to share it with her friends. It was a great day!
Aysha's 4th birthday was a great day. We celebrated at the park with friends and family. Aysha really thought it was a special day.